Positive Ways to Start the Day

“Morning shows the day” they say. They say it right. But do you feel like every day is just the same? Are your mornings dull and boring? And don’t you spend the whole day with the same kind of lazy lousy feeling? Well maybe you aren’t waking up the right way

Here are the 5 best ways to begin your day.


Life is so full of difficulties, isn’t it? You have deadlines to meet, bills to pay, house chores to complete and to top it all, you have had a row with your partner. As you open your eyes, these thoughts creep into your mind. Nightmares seem to have escaped from imagination to reality. You feel a slight headache. You feel like going back to sleep again. Don’t do it though.

Drive these thoughts a little away. Tell them to queue up and come later in the day. Tell yourself – this is the beginning of another day, a brand new chance to fix things and explore your life. This little bout of positive thoughts is a proven way of turning your day much better.


Wondering how you are going to get the ‘burst’ of positive energy in the morning. What you are looking for is in you. Talk to yourself. As Vivekananda said, when you don’t talk to yourself, you miss a conversation with the most amazing person. You are amazing. No one is going to know you better than yourself.

So when you wake up next morning, wish yourself a chirpy good morning. Tell yourself how amazing you are, how everything is going to turn up just fine, and in time. Tell yourself “we can do it! let’s dive into the day!” and see how you roll.


Most of us these days, start our day on screen. Oh! how irresistible smartphones are. We begin with putting the alarm off but then see the notifications and start scrolling through them. somehow the first 30 minutes of the day get consumed in thinking about worldly affairs. This small habit has made us so lost in the outer world, that we fail to connect with ourselves, with our own soul. It is undoubtedly true that we need smartphones in this smart age. But not at the cost of losing our peace of mind.

So when you put your alarm off tomorrow morning, do not look at the notifications bar. Your emails and texts can wait. Keep your phone aside till you finish your breakfast.


Have faith in the divine and practice it. Follow your duties towards your belief. A healthy life is only possible when you are spiritually satisfied.

Belief is a state of mind. The thoughts in your mind create the results. All your experiences, all your actions and all the events and circumstances of your life are but the reflections and reactions of your own thought. So most importantly, have faith in yourself.


Sit down. Straighten your back. Close your eyes. Breathe. Let the fresh morning air fill your lungs. Let the positivity it brings with itself reach your mind.  Try to make your mind oblivious to anything going around you or inside you. Create a void in your mind. Now, breathe deeper. Continue deep breathing for at least 5 and at best 15 minutes every morning. On some days, do some simple stretching exercises. You may go to the gym or work out at some other time of the day, but this little session is equally important

Now that you have read the 5 mantras to begin a day, I am sure you are excited about tomorrow morning. Follow each mantra step by step. Wake up, cheer yourself. Talk to yourself. Do your exercise. Remember, every day is an opportunity. Every day is important. So, beginning every day in the right way is very important.




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