How to be productive during the lockdown

Tips to be Productive during a lockdown:

1. Maintain your schedule as you would do on any working day:

If you are working from home or waiting for the lockdown to end, change into formal clothes

2. Skip a meal:

Keep an eye on snacks Control intake of tea/sugar.

3. Read books:

If you do not have books to read, you can simply download it from kindle. 

4. Stop listening to WhatsApp forwards:

Listen to experts on Podcasts/Youtube. Enroll in online courses., Udemy, Coursera, etc that offer free online courses

5. Learn a new language:

Prepare yourself for global opportunities by learning a new language. 

6. Try a home workout

Can’t go to the gym or outdoors. Use your body weight to exercise. Try multiple sessions of exercise during the day

7. If you have school going kids, run a homeschool for them

8.  Meditate:

Start meditating to release stress from work.

9. Learn to cook:

Learn to cook under the guidance of experts at home.

10. Grow Plants:

Grow a plant and watch it grow.




How to Protect Ourselves from Corona virus

Symptoms on Coronavirus:

People could also be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Most people (about 80%) get over the disease without having special treatment.
More rarely, the disease is often serious and even fatal. Older people, and other people with other medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), could also be more susceptible to becoming severely ill.

People may experience:

  • cough
  • fever
  • tiredness
  • difficulty breathing (severe cases)

How Coronavirus spreads?

  • There is currently no vaccine to stop coronavirus disease in 2019.
  • The virus is claimed to be spread mainly from person-to-person.
  • Between those who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • When an infected person coughs or sneezes.
  • Respiratory droplets of an individual can land within the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Steps to Protect Ourselves from the virus:

Clean your hands

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water especially after you’ve got been in an exceedingly very public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Use a hand sanitizer just in case of no soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

Avoid close contact

  • Avoid close contact with those that are sick.
  • Put distance between yourself and others if coronavirus is spreading in your community.

Steps to protect others:

  • Stay back home if you are sick and consult a doctor and get medical aid.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or a cloth when you cough or sneeze.
  • Throw used tissue papers within the trash or dustbin.
  • Wash your hands with water and soap immediately after coughing or sneezing.
  • Wear a facemask if you are sick or prevent going out if you are sick.
  • Do not wear a face mask if you are not sick. Facemasks may be in short in supply for the doctors or the people who are sick.
  • Keep your surroundings neat and clean. Use disinfectants to clean the items which will be in use daily.

Top 10 Countries Affected with Corona virus

As per WHO Reports Top 10 countries are:


The novel virus has unfolded speedily within the USA reportage with 142,637 cases with four,559 people recovered, with 485 deaths are accordingly. Since the virus appeared within the US in January, Trump has vacillated between enjoying down the risks of infection and urging Americans to require steps to slow its spread. President Trump established the White House Coronavirus Task Force to coordinate and manage efforts to watch, prevent, contain, and mitigate the unfold of COVID-19 within us. Secretary of HHS Alex Azar was appointed as the leader of the task force. President Trump-appointed vice president Mike Pence to take charge of the nation’s response to the virus. FEMA was placed in charge for procuring medical provides.


Coronavirus has been affected the country with 97,689 cases have been reported. 13,030 have been recovered from the virus. Italy witnessed 10,779 deaths approximately, Now leading with the highest death rates due to the terror virus. The Northern-Italian cities have been locked down as there are many cases reported. All the educational institutions have been closed temporarily. Experts say it’s down to a combination of factors, like the country’s large elderly population which is more susceptible to the virus, and the method of testing that’s not giving the full picture about infections.


China has been affected by 81,470 coronavirus cases. 75,700 have been recovered from the virus. China witnessed 3,304 deaths approximately. Hubei province with over fifty-six million individuals was kept under lockdown as a part of aggressive measures to bring down COVID-19 cases that apace unfold within the space. it had been a relief for immeasurable individuals in Hubei province once the Chinese government that unbroken it beneath imprisonment raised the restrictions on travel.


Spain has been reported with 80,110 cases of the virus. 14,709 are said to be recovered but 6,803 deaths have occurred in the country. Spain’s Princess Maria Theresa of Bourbon-Parma has become the primary royal to succumb to the phobia coronavirus. The Kingdom of Spain extended its coronavirus lockdown on Thursday and the same it absolutely was fighting a “real war” over medical provides to contain the world’s second-highest virus toll, turning to China for several crucial products, wherever officers reported fraud and big worth will increase. With the world’s fourth-highest variety of cases, the Kingdom of Spain is feeling the pinch of a world shortage of protecting instrumentation.”We are in a real war to get hold of ventilators, face masks, and quick test kits,” government spokeswoman Maria Jesus Montero told Telecinco television. “All the countries are fighting to secure domestic production, fighting to get supplies from China,” she said


As per reports 62,435 cases are said to be reported with the virus with 9,211 recovered and 541 deaths. It is said that Germany is the lowest in the deaths of coronavirus affected people. Thomas Schaefer, the minister of finance, has committed suicide apparently once changing into “deeply worried” over a way to deal with the economic fallout from the coronavirus, state premier Volker Bouffier the same Sunday. Schaefer, 54, was found dead close to a railway track on Sat. The watering hole prosecution’s workplace same they believe he died by suicide.


Coronavirus cases in France have been reported with 40,174 cases with 7,202 recovered and 2,606 deaths. Having started in the country’s east, the epidemic is now spreading in the northernmost Hautes-de-France region, the Paris region and other areas with “an extremely high surge that puts the entire healthcare system, the entire hospital system, under enormous pressure,” Philippe said.


Iran has been hit with 38,309 cases as per reports. 12,391 have been recovered but 2,640 deaths were reported approximately. Iran’s President Rouhani ordered shopping centers and bazaars across the country to shut for the 15-day holiday. The only exceptions are for pharmacies and grocery stores.


Coronavirus in the UK is increasing every day, 19,522 cases have been reported from which 135 recovered and 1,228 died due to the virus. Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed on Friday he had coronavirus symptoms, his health minister said that he was also having the symptoms, and also England’s chief medical officer announced he also had symptoms.


As per reports, the country has been hit with 14,829 coronavirus cases. Total of 1,595 has been recovered. 300 deaths have been reported by Switzerland. The government has issued a recommendation to all citizens to stay at home, especially the sick and the elderly. It has announced a countrywide ban on gatherings of more than five people and more measures to help support the economy. Army personnel has been called in to help customs officials police borders with other countries.


The Netherlands has reported with 10,866 coronavirus cases, 250 has been recovered but 771 has died due to the virus. stricter social distancing rules were announced in a press conference. The Dutch Minister for Primary and Secondary Education announced all final examinations for secondary education were canceled.