معدنیات دھات – پوٹاشیم

پوٹاشیم- آپکے جسم کے لیے کیوں ، کتنا اور کیسے ؟

پوٹاشیم آپکے دل کی قوت اور خون کے نارمل دباو – بلڈ پریشر کے لیے بہت ہی مفید ہے۔
پوٹاشیم گردوں کے مدد سے بدن کے زائد نمک یانی سوڈیم کو خارج کرکے خون کے دباو بلڈ پریشر کو توازن میں لاتا ہے۔ پوٹاشیم بدن کے پٹھوں و مسلس کو مزبوتی دیتا ہے اور بلخصوص دل کے شاھ رگ ، شریان و نسوں کو نرم و فلیکس بل رکھ کر خون کی روانی اور دباو کو بہتر کرتا ہے۔
پوٹاشیم عام انسان کو ایک دن میں تقریباً
Mg 4700 چاہیے ، جب کے ایک کیلے میں
250-300 mg پوٹاشیم پایا جاتا ہے ۔ اس طرح 15 سے زائد کیلے کھانے سے ایک دن کا پوٹاشیم ملتا لیکن اتنے کیلے کھا نہیں سکتے اور اس سے شوگر بھی بڑھ جاتی ہے۔
لہٰذہ پوٹاشیم کے بھرپور حاصل کے لیے سب سے بہتر غذا سبز ترین پتوں والی ترکاری ہے جوکے کم سے کم مقدار ۸ کپ کچی سالڈ یا ہلکی پکی ہوئ لیکن ذائقہ دار کھانا چاہیے ۔
دیگر اشیا جس میں خاطر خواہ پوٹاشیم پیا جاتا ہے وہ ہے ،
پالک، ماٹھ، کلفہ ، سجنہ ، میتھی اور دیگر بھاجیاں ، گوبی، براکلی ، مشروم، ترائئ ، لوکی آلو ، رتالو ، بیگن، کھیرا و ککڑیاں ، دہی ، تقریباً سارے تازے موسمی میوے ، خشک میوے ، کھجور ، مچھلیاں ، ہرے و خشک بینس اور بیج ، کچھ گوشت اور انڈے ہے۔
لیکن جن اشخاص کو گردوں کی شکایت ہو وہ ڈاکٹر کی حدایت سے پوٹاشیم میں کمی رکھے تاکی گردوں پر دباو نہ پڑے اور پوٹاشیم کی مقدار خون میں بڑھ نے نہ پاے ۔

سید زین العابدین – نیوٹریشنسٹ
YT: thenutristyle

Potassium an Essential Mineral

First of all, potassium helps blood pressure.

It does this in two different ways:

• First, with the aid of your kidneys, potassium helps remove extra sodium from your body through your urine. This is a good thing because too much sodium can cause high blood pressure.
• Second, potassium helps the walls of your blood vessels to relax or loosen up. When they’re too tense or rigid, it can cause high vital sign, which may cause heart problems. Getting enough potassium is good for your heart.
You also need enough potassium for good muscle health — so that your muscles can flex or contract the way they should. And your nerves need potassium so that they will work well.

How much potassium do you need?

You should get 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day.
How much is 4700 Mg?

Equal to more than 15 bananas.
But you cannot have more 1 Banana a day.
But, Your needs might be different if you have kidney disease.
Some people with kidney disease should get less than 4,700 mg potassium.

If your kidneys don’t work well, an excessive amount of potassium could stay in your body, which may cause nerve and muscle problems. If you’ve got renal disorder and your doctor hasn’t already told you what your potassium limit is, ask about it.

Food Sources of Potassium:

The topmost sources of potassium without any sugar or salt are the green leafy vegetables. The more you eat the better they are.
However, you should at-least get 8 cups of raw veggies in a salad or cooked form.

Other sources are :

Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, grapefruit, Cooked spinach, Cooked broccoli, Limited Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Mushrooms, Peas, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Eggplant, Pumpkins, Tuna, Halibut, Cod, Trout, Rockfish, freshwater fishes, Lima beans, Pinto beans, Kidney beans, Soybeans, Lentils

ضروری غذائی اجزاء – معدنیات , دھات

دھات یا معدنیات کم مقدارلیکن ضروری غذائ اجزاء ہے انسان کے بدن کی بقاء ، ساخت اور نشونما کے لیے ۔ ، ہم جو کاربوہائڈریٹ ، پروٹین اور فیٹ کھاتے ہیں ، دھات و معدنیات اسکی توانائ کو نکالنے اور استعمال کرنے میں معاون ہوتے ہیں ۔
کم و بیش کوئ سولہ معدنیات (دھات) ہے ،
کالسیم ، پوٹاشیم, فاسفورس ، سلفر، سوڈیئم ، مگنیسیم ، کلورائڈ ، آیرن ، زنک، کو پر ، ماگنیز ،
آیوڈین، سلیمیم ، کلوریم اور فلورایڈ ۔

معدنیات و دھات خون کے نارملُ دباو ، الیکٹرولائٹ یانی برق پاش اور فلویڈ سیالُ کے توازن میں مدد کرتے ہیں اور ہڈیوں کی صحت ، جدید خلیات سلس کے بننے اور آکسیجن کی آمدورفت میں بھی مدد گار ہوتی ہے اور مزید پٹھوں ، جوڑوں اور آساب کے لیے قوت بخش ہے۔
انسان ان معدنیات دھات کو مختلف اغذیات کے ذریے باسانی حاصل کر سکتا ہے ۔
میں آگے ، اغذیات کے ذریے ایک ایک دھات معدنیات
کو کیسے حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اسکی تشریح کرونگا ۔
پچھلے کچھ دن قبل زنک کے بارے میں لکھا جا چکا ۔

سید زین العابدین – نیوٹریشنسٹ – اٹلانٹا
YT: the Nutristyle

Top 16 Minerals Important In Our Body

What are Minerals?

Minerals are called micronutrients. The body needs micronutrients in smaller amounts than Carbohydrates, Protein, or fats. Similarly, Minerals do not provide energy (calories), but they help to release energy from Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats.

16 essential Minerals:

  1. Calcium
  2. Phosphorus
  3. Potassium
  4. Sulfur
  5. Sodium
  6. Chloride
  7. Magnesium
  8. Iron
  9. Zinc
  10. Copper
  11. Manganese
  12. Iodine
  13. Selenium
  14. Molybdenum
  15. Chromium
  16.  Fluoride

Minerals play important roles in:

  • maintaining blood pressure
  • fluid & electrolyte balance
  • bone health
  • making new cells
  • delivering oxygen to cells
  • contributing to normal muscle
  • nerve functioning

Minerals are cosmopolitan in foods, with specific minerals being found in certain foods. By eating a spread of nutrient-dense foods from the 5 food groups, you’ll have a mineral-rich diet.


Why is Zinc Important for Our Body?

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a mineral. It is an essential element because very small amounts of zinc are necessary for human health. Since the physical body doesn’t store excess zinc, it must be consumed regularly as a part of the diet. Common dietary sources of zinc include meat, poultry, and fish. Zinc deficiency can cause short stature, reduced ability to taste the food, and therefore the inability of testes and ovaries to function properly.

Where is zinc used?

Zinc is employed for the treatment and prevention of deficiency disease and its consequences, including stunted growth and acute diarrhea in children, slow wound healing, and hepatolenticular degeneration. Zinc is also used for many other conditions.

Zinc is required for the right growth and maintenance of the physical body. It is found in several systems and biological reactions, and it’s needed for immune function, wound healing, blood coagulation, thyroid function, etc. Meats, seafood, dairy products, nuts, legumes, and whole grains offer high levels of zinc.

Affects of zinc deficiency:

Low zinc levels can also lead to sickle cell disease, major depression, and type 2 diabetes, and can be fought by taking a zinc supplement.


How can Workout be Addictive?

So you realize you need to be fit, you are motivated and you take the first step and join a gym. You pay the membership fee, buy new gym clothes (and new shoes too) for a workout. Day 1 goes fine, you come out tired but excited. Day 2 looks good. You skip Day 3 because you have some super important things that you need to do on this day. After a few days, you are seen only intermittently at the gym and after some time you realize that it has been more than a month since the last time you went to the gym.

Whether you decide to go to a gym or choose any sport, cycling, running, walking, etc., it is very common that your motivation level goes down and the physical workout goes down in the priority list.

How to keep the motivational levels high and get into the habit of working out?

You must show up consistently at the designated spot and time, every day. When you decide on the location for your workout, choose a place that you like going to, your favorite park, or a stretch of a road with lots of greenery, or a gym with a good ambiance.
Set a time during the day that you are least busy, that time when you won’t be interrupted with family or work-related chores. Early morning is the best time to exercise, especially for outdoor activities. Air quality is good and no interruptions.
There will be some days when you will feel lazy and not feel like working out. Even these days, show up at the place.
Tag along with a buddy who follows his fitness regime religiously.
If you are the type of person who does not like monotony, choose different activities for different days of the week.
Set some goals for yourself, if you can run for 3 kilometers effortlessly, aim for a few extra meters for the next day. There are a lot of mobile apps that can record your activity. You can use the mobile app to keep track of your progress to motivate yourself and motivate others.

Remember that the choices that you make every day determine how your body behaves, do you want your body to be in your control or do you want to hand it over to doctors, diagnostics, medicines, etc?

My parents don’t listen to me!

Aging – Also called as second childhood, where the parents stop taking care of their health. A lot of time when we ask any young generation about doing a health routine check-up for their parents the only answer we get to hear from them is


Ever wondered why maximum parents don’t want to go to hospitals or do a health check-up even if they know that there is something not right within their body.

There are 1000+ questions on social media and quora.com where kids are posting questions like ‘’how to deal with parents who don’t take care of their health.

The answer to this question lies in the first line of my article.

Aging- A second childhood

Your parents gave you time, love, and care when you cried like hell on the first day of your school.

If they have spent their time posting a question like my kids never listens to me ‘’then you wouldn’t be here reading this article.

Your parents never left you when you cried and never wanted that vaccination shot.

The only solution was their time love and care.

What Is Stress?

The student comes home with a bag full of home assignments. The college-goer returns with a heavy heart. The businessman has ‘worry lines’ on his forehead. The housewife rushes throughout the day to prepare meals at the right time. In the hurried life of today, where time always seems to be walking two steps ahead of us, we are subjected to too many stresses.

What is stress?

It is a response. When our body is questioned physically or emotionally we answer through stress. Stress is good. It is a wave of energy. Stress is known to increase a person’s performance. During exam time tension to perform well keeps us motivated. A relationship becomes stronger when we make an extra effort. In all walks of life, a little worry does not
harm instead encourages us to do better But then what is this life full of care if, we have no time to stop and stare, as W.H Davies the famous poet has said. Lately, stress has become a bane more than a boon for us. It has opened ways to various problems.

Our body has three glands,

the pituitary in the brain and the adrenals that sit over the kidney, that monitor stress by releasing hormones. Hormones trigger different emotions for different amounts of stress. We feel challenged at first, anxious, and then fearful and insecure. When stress is increased our body starts ‘feeling’ sick without actually being sick. When stress is not controlled within these levels, our arteries start thickening and hardening and heart and kidneys get severely damaged. Diseases follow next.

However, there is a remarkable way of defeating stress. The cure lies within ourselves. In the words of the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius “Nowhere, either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble, does a man retire than into one’s soul. The cure to tension is relaxation. Whatever relaxes us, cures us of stress. Reading a
book, singing, dancing, a stroll in the park, a long ride, a movie, a game, a hobby, talking to your better half at the end of the day, or simply watching the sunset, our retreat can be in any form. All we should keep in mind is, whether we are disturbed or tranquil, depends on our response and not on any external stimuli. By making our thoughts cheerful and pleasant we can overcome any stress.

Welcome to Healthy Hyderabad

Remember back at school, “healthy” meant being physically, emotionally, and spiritually fit. We played football, hung out with friends, and had morning assemblies. Then life played with us, bound us with duties and responsibilities, and assembled us in front of desktops and piles of papers. Before we could know, we were leading ourselves into the web of unhealthy lifestyle practices. Web – Ours is the generation of webs. Ours is the generation of Netflix and Instagram, burger and fried chicken, unemployment, and overtime work.

One-fourth of Hyderabad’s population is in the adolescent age and more than one-fourth is in the working sector. We have a very young population. We have a literacy rate of 90%. But it is concerning how such young educated minds of the country lead an unhealthy lifestyle. We skip meals, don’t eat at the right time, and do not eat the right food. As a result, 21% of us are diabetic. Many face renal failure and other renal complications. To add fuel to the fire are improper sleep habits and mental trauma. Given our society that treats every mental illness as “madness”, we seldom talk about the mental problems we face on a daily basis. A fatigued body, an angry friend, a ranting boss, a tiny income, a gigantic hospital bill – how is anyone going to deal with it?

The question is – is a healthy lifestyle achievable? YES

Is today’s generation going to sit back – diseased and depressed? NO

It is actually quite simple to live a happy and healthy life. You have already turned into the direction by thinking about it. It’s time now to act.

The first thing to understand is there is no instant solution to this. To begin with, it is important to bring a radical change in your lifestyle. Physical activity, eating the right food, keeping emotions in check, enough amount of rest, maintaining a healthy schedule, etc. are all critical to your health. Love your body, however, it is and then works to improve it. Sleep at the right time. Leave your smartphone, go foolish for an hour every day. Spend time with yourself like you would with any loved one. Love yourself.  Make a relationship with yourself. Talk to yourself, don’t miss this amazing conversation with the most amazing person in the world – YOU.

If you are still wondering how do you do all this- here’s the ultimate solution. Healthy Hyderabad. We at Healthy Hyderabad make sure you take your first step into the journey of a healthy lifestyle and don’t go off track. So, join us on board right away!